Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Another Scrapbook Post



The Great Outdoors

After much encouragement we were able to make some progress until we came to The Lake. Really it was a small pond, but to a toddler it held abundant opportunities to get muddy and wet. And ducks, lots of ducks. For some reason in a 2 year old brain it is fun to throw rocks into the water just to watch the ducks go after it thinking they are getting fed. I admit it is a bit mean, but since my job is to avoid the dreaded temper tantrum at all cost…sorry ducks.

As a typical 2 year old boy, Brian is into everything. It is especially fun if it can cause some sort of bodily harm! As his mom I consider my most important job is to keep him alive until he is 18. We all need goals.
Even though he is all boy, it has been fascinating to see his personality develop. When I ask him to do something and he isn't complying I count to 3, thus allowing his brain to process the request (well that is how the theory goes anyway). The other day I asked him to do something, then started, "1.....2.....". He looks back at me and says, "3,4,5,6,7" (he had never counted above 3 before). I was of course so amazed that I didn't realize until later that he did get out of doing what I was asking for. I'm not sure if this is good or bad, thanks
Brian is starting to settle in to our new home in
Check Out My New Site
My Photography Site
I want to name my photography business, but I don't know what yet. Any ideas? Just a few caveats: I don't my name in the name of the business and I want the name to be family friendly.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Houseguests, Like Fish, Stink After Three Days...
I'm glad you have enjoyed your stay at our home. Really, I am. But, I can't say we have enjoyed you. As far as house guests go, you have been overbearing, uncomfortable and have totally interrupted the flow of our lives. Not a good thing for visitors to do.
Though, while you have been here I have learned a few lessons. Some that I am grateful for, others I could have done without.
First, I have learned how to catch vomit in my hands. Sure, a useful skill for a mother to know, but one I could have gone my whole life without learning.
I also did not know that I would think of the 1 and 2 hour sleep increments of a newborn as luxurious. Now, I'm grateful for more than 15 minutes at a time. Not that I would go 15 minutes without checking to see if the baby is breathing. But, still, sleep would be nice.
Also, I feel that we have done our economic duty, in this time of fiscal downturn, to keep money flowing into the economy. Especially to the drug manufacturers, namely Vicks.
Another thing, even you, who have no sensitivity for social etiquette, should know to leave babies alone. Really? Afflicting a three month old? You should be ashamed. Adults have a hard enough time, but babies have a harder time doing without the use of their noses - and for that matter, their lungs.
You should know that your visit of 7-21 days is not the fad right now. Most viruses like you last for 3-10 days. 7-21 days, that's just selfish. Please reconsider and shorten your stay.
So, RSV, you have impacted our lives and we will remember you. But, I won't keep the light on for you.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
The First Year

For Brian's first year I kept a little journal. Nothing much, just a weekly calendar that I jotted down the important "firsts". I wanted to do the same thing for Mera, but couldn't find a calendar that I liked. So I picked up this blank journal. I thought it would work perfectly. I want my kids to know their story and I want them to be able to go back and see when they first giggled, first rolled over, their first words etc.
I can't wait to fill this with amazing feats (I've already filled in the info about the weekend of her birth, adoption and her first giggle). Because every child is the most amazing child - at least according to their parents!