While I may look like a girl again (that last photo didn't do me any justice) at least my brother is dressed appropriately for the "snow" in the background. Gotta love old photos!
I recently started reading a book called Captivating. I'm sure I will share more about it in the weeks to come as I make my way slowly through it. But one thing really hit me as I was thinking about my brother this week.
In the book they talk about the three things the heart of a woman desires. One of those is "an irreplaceable role in a great adventure". Again I was thinking about what my brother taught me to expect from the men in my life.
Some of my best memories are from the summer after my Freshman year of High School. I spent most of that summer with my brother in Alaska where
That was the summer that I learned to shoot a shotgun, went ice caving, rock climbing, canoeing, fishing, camping and mountain biking. I loved that summer.
I also loved who I became that summer. By the end of it I had found a confidence that I had never known before. There is something about danger and adventure that brings out courage and strength.
So many days I forget that I am still that person. The one that can ford a glacial stream, catch a fish dinner, portage a canoe, and hike a mountain. It has been replaced my the mundane day-to-day of raising a child and taking care of a home. Sometimes I need to be reminded that I am part of a great adventure, this time with my husband.
It was good to have someone in my life to teach me how to adventure. And it is good for me to remember to still be the adventurer.
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