Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Call

Did you see the photo yesterday? Yes, we got The Call! Well, sort of.

Life is never really black and white. Adoption is the same way. We are waiting to talk with the birth mom to confirm. But, that might not happen. The adoption could still happen even if we don't talk with her. Are we matched? I don't know. But I do know that everything is happening as if we are matched.

Confusing? Yes.

I am an emotional wreck. An excited, emotional wreck. In my hand is the sonogram report. Where it says no abnormalities, normal weight, normal growth. That's my baby. I think. Is she mine? No, not really, not yet. But, maybe she will be.

Adoption has it's own ups and downs. I am painting a nursery, picking a name, shopping for diapers, onesies, and bottles all for this baby. Or another one.

Our plan is to bring home a baby girl in June. Our lives are organized around bringing a baby home in June. Our hearts are given to this baby due in June.

But, how many adoptions don't go as planned? Hundreds, probably thousands. Will this one fall into that statistic? Or will we be another statistic, one of the group that actually brought home a baby?

I won't know until we have the signed papers in our hands. But we continue to believe that God has His best in store for us. And we are hoping that this is it.

Update: We are "officially" matched. That pretty much just means that the birth mom has chosen us and we have chosen her. There is nothing legal about it and she has the right to keep the baby and parent up to the point of termination of parental rights, which happens sometime after the baby is born (depends on each state law and I'm not sure what the laws are that will govern this adoption - our attorney will fill us in on that part).

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