The more I think about this transition the more the word "mercy" comes to my mind.
With a new baby coming next month (hopefully), I will not have the time to give to a horse. So, he will be happier in a field to run in with other horses. It is more merciful for him.
But mostly I think of the mercy of God. His timing is impeccable. He brought me to a place where I am ready to move on in my life to new adventures. I truly believe that I will come back around to horses, but for now I will get to spend time with my kids before they decide that I'm uncool.
As I watched the truck and trailer leave with
This is a major transition for me and I can't begin to describe the relief that I feel being able to focus on an adoption. My biggest fear was that I would sell my horse only to not be able to adopt for another two or more years.
God's mercy is like a cool rain shower on a hot day. Calming, Centering, Refreshing.

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